Sep 10, 2012

Read Between the Lines

We have a pathology professor--he seems like a nice, funny man--who's voice slowly deteriorates from a standard, older person's grumble to a dying, dehydrated, lip smacking affair. It's his third hour of lecturing. I get it. You need water. I understand this.


I should explain. I can't stand several things in this world of a billion annoyances. But the thing that bothers me a lot and is also quite common is hearing. people's. mouths. Mouths are disgusting, disgusting places. In general I can't stand the sound of people eating. This bothers me to no end. I have had to yell at people to stop, I have gotten into so many annoying fights with my little sister who--is an amazing person--but who needs to understand that I simply can't stand listening to other people eating and no, I will not get over it. F*CK that. I AM ACTUALLY ENRAGED RIGHT NOW. Because I am sitting in class and my professor, teaching pathology--an amazing course--keeps making eating sounds over his goddamn microphone. I swear to God I might leave. I want to leave. Maybe I'll put in headphones.

I have put in headphones. I no longer want to pay attention in class, however, and am pretty upset. The only other times I feel this irrationally upset, I am usually PMSing. I know it's irrational, but I am clearly having a physiological response. My breathing is shallower, more rapid--my chest is tightening. I may pass out. 

Worst of all, this is now affecting my note taking. BECAUSE HOLY SHIT, when something doesn't make sense, I get slightly upset. When I am already upset and things don't make sense, I break down.

Medicine is not for the easily incensed.

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