Sep 28, 2012

Campus Security

Prompted by a reader, I now publish the entirety of a warning sent to our school through e-mail from the Director of Campus Security:

Today at 1215 Campus Security received a call from a lab that a suspicous person was looking into labs and offices on the 3rd floor of the BSB.
The individual was tracked by camera and eventually approached by security after he walked through the 2nd floor and part of the Lower Level.
He stated he was looking for two individuals he met at a club. Neither person was in our database.
We have his name and Driver's License number.
He was advised that he was trespassing and warned not to return.
Please make sure you keep your office or lab secured when not occupied,personal belongings secured and call Security immediately at X3288 if you notice anyone or anything suspicous.
We have a serious problem. Lab assistants have enough time to go to clubs.

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