Sep 25, 2012

Gotta Catch 'Em All

I only have to collect heart, kidney, liver, and lung disease before I win something!

Got my flu shot today. It was actually awesome for two reasons: 1) it was the first time I ever got to check yes to the question: "Are you a healthcare worker?" and 2) needles just keep getting smaller! It was literally painless.

It was also, somehow, free. So thanks America, for always having my back (it's the least you could do after you presumably gave me asthma.... we need cleaner air damn it!!!) But still, Walgreens' Pharmacy, specifically at my Walgreens, is always a pleasure and has re-instilled my faith in  health care.

Now I just need to find a family physician... to deal with my multitude of health problems (see above).


  1. Our asthma is hereditary. Our grandfather has it and our great-grandmother had it too.

  2. Really though? Because I only have athletic-related asthma, not seasonal. I always assumed I would've avoided that particular illness if we'd grown up on a farm. Well... specifically a farm that isn't near pollution.


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