Sep 27, 2012

Powerpoint Presentations

I really miss jazzy powerpoint presentations. It's not that this material is boring, per se. Most of it is actually fascinating. I know our professors work hard, but I want physical proof that they are working as hard if not harder than me. Selfish, I know, but medical school is pretty lonely and isolating. I want to think that our professors' lives are also spent toiling away reading and re-writing notes.

But in all actuality, I just want a beautiful powerpoint presentation.

Last year, in Biochemistry, for the protein section, our professor put in actual sound effects to explain various ways proteins could be manufactured through transaminases. It was corny--(the sound effect was usually one of a chime)--but it was also awesome.

AND THEN! One of our physiology professors actually explained the molecular basis of muscle contractions by using, and illustrating, actual pictures of famous people (and one professor) through a powerpoint presentation. Amazing.

Today in Micro we got the above. It was great.

....I'm worried Medical School has lowered my standards of what certifies as "exciting."

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