Feb 6, 2012

Today in Anatomy...

We removed our cadaver's leg. It was pretty gruesome. Possibly more gruesome than sawing her skull in half with a hand saw. Life is sometimes weird like that. The weirdest things will gross you out. Like, the third week in anatomy lab, we were covered in flesh and embalming fluid--formaldehyde. One of my lab partners burped and I yelled "Ew, gross," because I find burping in someone else's face distasteful. In reflection, that was probably one of the "cleaner" things I did that day.

Other than that, I now love anatomy. I do not know if that is because I am doing poorly in it and need to straighten out my act to pass the course, or if because we are finally covering the abdomen, and all your organs and mesentery form the most intricate, beautiful patterns I have ever seen. I spent a good hour losing myself gently separating connective tissue from the small intestine and associated organs. It was mesmerizing. It seemed like everything was an artery, a vein, or a nerve, forming crazy plexi and complex associations.

Much more interesting than your limbs. I swear, your forearm has seventeen muscles in it, and I think the majority of them are useless. Another point, you can survive without an arm. Hell, you can survive sans-limbs. It's not fun, but you can live. You can't live without your liver. Or your heart. But your life would also suck without your kidneys, pancreas, spleen, or your intestines.

Yes. I am really excited that we are finally learning something important in anatomy.

Sadly, my podiatry student lab partner does not feel the same way. If he's not working on the legs, he gets a tad restless. Restless leg syndrome, I'd call it.

Was that a good pun? I'll keep working on them. I don't think I can be a good doctor if I'm not good at puns.

1 comment:

  1. And to which pod student would you be referring?? ;-)


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