Feb 21, 2012

Temporal Orientation x 3

A funny thing has been happening all year long. I may have already mentioned it, but it bears repeating again: I have no idea what time it is.

I mean, okay, it's past midnight and it's now Tuesday February 21st; the only reason I know this is because my laptop has this exciting information ready for me at the upper right corner of its screen. But if you had asked me early monday morning what today's date was, I probably would have had to check something--a phone, my laptop. Something electronic because my mind can't remember things.

Time has never passed this quickly for me.

It's kind of terrifying. But scientifically it makes sense. It's been researched and it's been concluded that the more repetitive our lifestyles, the faster the illusion of time flies past us. If, everyday, you wake up to go to lecture for four hours, then spend the afternoon and night studying, your life will fly by because your mind has already built up immunity against the excitement that is studying all day for medical school. This is why older people generally feel like time is passing them more quickly than when they were younger.

So time flies. And it's deeply upsetting me. Last week was Valentine's Day. I often say that Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday. Of course, Christmas can put up a strong offense. But Christmas is sometimes really bad. Winter holidays can be dangerous with the amount of time you have to spend around the fam. Valentine's Day, however, will always be more or less the same. You're either in a relationship, or you're not. I don't understand why people go out of their way to hate it so much. It's predictably going to  be a day that encourages parties to be thrown on the weekends surrounding it.

But Valentine's Day came at me so quick that I didn't have time to make cute and funny cards. I've also missed two of my best friends' birthdays. I have a hard time remembering what month I'm in. I'm always finding myself disoriented whenever someone tells me a date for an important event that I know I will forget.

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