Feb 1, 2012

Clinical Anatomy

We have a medical doctorate holder teaching our Clinical Anatomy course! This is very exciting. But also terrifying, because his notes aren't like any of the other instructor's. Regardless, this is looking to be my favorite section, and I'm not sure if it's because of our professor's quality as an instructor, or because organs are inherently much more fascinating than all seventeen of the muscles in your forearm.

Regardless, perhaps the most adorable and terrifying thing our lecturer has said thus far was this:
"The pancreas, with a head, body, and tail, is like a little animal."
In reflection, I realize that that doesn't sound very funny, or cute, or scary. But keep in mind this was told to me at around 8:30 in the morning. Everything is funnier, cuter, and much scarier at this time. I also have a lot of trust issues with my own pancreas, especially after it gave me diabetes.

Also, since my parents met while operating on a pancreatic cancer, I've always been a little worried that I might get pancreatic cancer myself. Though that may have a lot to do with my irrational superstitions.

No matter. Thinking that my pancreas is a cognitive individual is incredibly frightening.

And ridiculously funny.

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