Aug 28, 2011

Studying for Anatomy

Our first test is tomorrow.

I have a great sense of direction but I'm pretty terrible at solving spatial puzzles. For this reason, the following paragraph means nothing to me, although I'm pretty sure it's important:

The superior borders of the transversely elongated bodies of the cervical vertebrae are elevated posteriorly and especially laterally but are depressed anteriorly, resembling somewhat a sculpted seat. The inferior border of the body of the superiorly placed vertebra is reciprocally shaped. The adjacent cervical vertebrae articulate in a way that permits free flexion and extension and some lateral flexion but restricted rotation. The planar, nearly horizontal articular facets of the articular processes are also favorable for these movements. The elevated superolateral margin is the uncus of the body (uncinate process).
"Clincally Oriented Anatomy: Sixth Edition. Moore, Dalley, Agur. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2010; page 445."

The what now?

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