Aug 29, 2011

The Effects of Stress on Blood Glucose

First test went poorly. How do I know this? I know this because my initial blood sugar prior to the onset of the test was 104 mg/dL. Five hours later, with only the consumption of a cookie with approximately 25g of carbohydrates, my blood sugar was 345 mg/dL. If my current corrective factors are 1 u insulin per 10 g carbohydrate and 1 u insulin for 25 mg/dL over a normal baseline of 125 mg/dL, my blood glucose was off by around 180 mg/dL. It was off because of stress. The stress was equivalent to 88 g of carbohydrates. 352 Calories. 5 shots of Tanqueray or a Quarter Pounder with cheese or two cups of Lucky Charms.

It went that bad.

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