Aug 18, 2011

An Interesting Aside: I'm Diabetic

Today one of the lecturers for one of my classes decided to tell everyone an exciting "diabetes-related" finding. I no longer remember how it related to Embryology, but the point was something like this: EVEN DIABETICS WITH GOOD CONTROL OF THEIR SUGARS END UP SUFFERING THE COMPLICATIONS OF DIABETES IN THE LONG RUN. WHY? OH, WELL, BECAUSE THE INITIAL SPIKE IN BLOOD GLUCOSE CAUSES METHYLATION OF THE DNA WHICH LEADS TO COMPLICATIONS SUCH AS BLINDNESS, AMPUTATIONS, LOSS OF HEARING, LOWER QUALITY OF LIFE, ETCETERA. Why the hell did this professor feel like this was a necessary sidenote? I don't know. Maybe because he talks like someone raised firmly on the Mason-Dixon line and cutting to the point doesn't make a whole lot of FUCKING SENSE to those people. So yes. Elora Apantaku, the beautiful, kind of hilarious, kind of lovely ELORA APANTAKU, will be losing her long legs and her perceptive …

I started crying. No sense in continuing. Fuck.

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