Feb 13, 2013

BRT (It's Wednesday)

So I'm a failure at blogging. What else is new?

Regardless, it's BOARD REVIEW TUESDAY (it's Wednesday) so let's review!

There is absolutely NO WAY I can study for combined exams, study for step 1, and expect to stay alive. I've done nothing that I usually find enjoyable in the last week. To continue living this way for the next 107 days... Terrifying.

Let's take a look at a typical day:

7:30 AM: Wake-up. Probably. You let your alarm ring for 17 minutes before falling out of bed.
8:04 AM: Show up to your 8 o'clock class. Reluctantly remove ear-buds when you sit down near the back of the auditorium.
12:00 PM: Congratulations! You've just survived four lectures. (Only three of them were good... and you were on pinterest for a good fifteen minutes at one point).
12:05 PM: Back in your apartment, you think about eating lunch.
12:45 PM: Nope. You just spent 45 minutes dealing with obnoxious e-mail requests and finishing assignments, last minute. Now you go to the freezer and stare at a box of ice cream. You eventually put it back and eat left-overs instead (we're proud of you, you poor bastard).
1:45 PM: It took you an hour to eat. You also had a beer. And watched The Daily Show and The Colbert Report back to back on Hulu.
2:00 PM: You're back at school, doing something "additional" to your actual classes. Attendance is mandatory, although you have no idea why.
3:45 PM: You've finished interviewing what feels like thousands of fake patients (there were only three, but your legs are weak and you're shaking all over. When you're a real doctor, you will likely see forty patients a day. Good Luck!)
4:00 PM: Sit down to study. You can't decide what to study first: Lecture notes from last week or Case Studies for step 1. You listen to your heart. Your heart tells you lecture notes.
5:30 PM: You break. Who cares about parasites? They are disgusting. And now you are hungry. Plus Diane Sawyers is on WorldNews, and you need to remind yourself there's an outside world. Make dinner while watching television. Eat dinner during commercials.
6:03 PM: You pick up your Case Studies book. You skim through 2 and a half cases and stop because...
6:30 PM: Television is on again. It's Wheel of Fortune. You're still human, dammit.
6:58 PM: You're lying on your bed playing an addicting game called Triple Town on your tablet that you bought primarily for school work. Whatever. Triple Town is legitimately awesome. It's like if Farmville and Bejeweled had a baby.
7:24 PM: You really hate yourself. Also Triple Town. You start skimming tomorrow's lecture notes.
7:48 PM: First exposures are always the worst. Hepatitis D will probably make sense to you when you read about it next week. Fifteen minutes before your exam. Go on Facebook. You have 2 notifications. Respond to notifications. Nothing else is happening. Stay on Facebook for the next 11 minutes, waiting.
7:59 PM: Check e-mail. Start G-chat-ing with Charyse.
8:27 PM: You've been reading Jezebel.com and io9.com. You finally stop when you see a medical article on io9 that you kind of understand, making you feel guilty that you're not furthering medicine at this very moment. You make a grand attempt at getting through First Aid Cases. It appears to be working until....
9:44 PM: GAH. You can't read this anymore. You only have five cases left but you don't care. You get some cheese sticks, red wine, and 25 mg of Doxylamine succinate, the finest sleeping pills around.
10:35 PM: You zoned out and somehow ended up writing something on your personal blog that shall not be named. It's angry and sad and if you didn't hate hugging people so much, that's exactly what you would want. You gently slap yourself in the face and finish your First Aid Cases.
11:08 PM: Despite drugging yourself, you're still awake. Though mildly content that you finished all your CramFighter assignments. No, scratch that. Wildly ecstatic. You remember when normal things used to make you happy. You turn off all the lights and watch Futurama until you're at the verge of passing out.
11:47 PM: Once again, you've forgotten to brush your teeth. You stumble to your bathroom to clean your teeth.
12:20 PM: You actually fall asleep. You dream of your adolescence underneath an instagram filter. 

Sadly, that's a pretty accurate description of my days.

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