Mar 26, 2012

"Pregnancy is not a decision to be taken lightly"

During one of our clinical correlation lectures for anatomy, the guest lecturer said what lies below. I thought it was interesting, so I've provided it here:

"At term pregnancy, 50% of CO goes to the uterus. 500-700 mL course to the uterus/minute. The myometrium continues to contract and the bleeding is forced to stop.
The #1 cause of maternal death is due to embolism (20%). Hypotension, Hypovolemia, Shock (13%). Hypertensive disease leads to (13%). Pregnancy is not a decision to be taken lightly, there can be a lot of problems. Uterine atrophy (the blood vessels in the endometrium are incapable of contracting) is the number 1 cause of obstetric hemorrhage."

Makes you kind of grateful that someone would risk her life to create yours....
Is it Mother's Day yet?

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