Mar 24, 2012

No Duh Aristotle

Sometimes bioethics can be really dumb, and yet so disturbingly profound.

No, that last half is profoundly sarcastic.

Here is a fun quote from our Bioethics text:

"Common to all theories of justice is a minimal requirement traditionally attributed to Aristotle: Equals must be treated equally, and unequals must be treated unequally."

I think my brain just exploded from the complexity of that statement.

But to be serious for perhaps a paragraph, I really enjoy bioethics. I miss writing things out. Also, it's fun to posit ridiculous arguments. However, I don't know if I'll ever write anything more ridiculous than the following sentence I wrote for a discussion on vaccinations:

"I think we can safely assume that this family is inherently evil."
So get your kids vaccinated! 

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