Mar 19, 2012

Sperm do WHAT?! oh yea, and Birth Control is Great!

I generally don't like to think about sexual reproduction. I mean, during mandatory sex ed in high school, I tried my very hardest not to pay attention because A) gross and B) I thought it would never apply to me.

But I've "matured". I've rarely giggled or gotten grossed out while reading over repro notes. Nevertheless, I've learned some things that I'm surprised I didn't know and things that are incredibly disgusting. For example: Birth control pills actually stop ovulation and sperm can live in your fallopian tubes for 1-2 days. What? and OH MY GOD THAT'S DISGUSTING.

But back to birth control, I don't know how I thought birth control worked, but I assumed you still ovulated. I guess I thought it somehow made egg fertilization by sperm (that can survive for 1-2d inside of you) impossible. But it literally stops you from ovulating.

So what's all this hullabaloo about birth control in the news? I can kind of understand why people are against abortion--wait, no, I can completely understand why people are against abortion. I can't understand why people are enraged that birth control is used in our society. It's not like you're actually hurting germ cells, which some people insensibly think are human (what would a haploid person look like? something Picasso-esque maybe?). And it's not like birth control pills are actually expensive to manufacture. Indeed, the advent of the pill probably reduced health care expenditure significantly, considering how expensive babies are.

I feel like there may be a lot of indirect cons to taking birth control*, and there probably could be a lot of scientific study into how the birth control pill changes human physiology... but I think everyone should agree: the pill is a far better choice than abortion.

*The estrogenification of our drinking water, the unnatural changes in female sexuality which increases the chances of sterile mating pairs, etcetera...

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