Aug 27, 2014

probably something guys don't have to think about

While I was at the National Conference for Family Physicians, I had the opportunity to walk around and meet residents from over 400 family medicine residency programs. It was... awkward.

I am a socially awkward person. Put me in a room of a 1000+ people who I have to present my best features to and well... yea. Not so much fun.

But definitely interesting. I remarked to someone that had this been a conference for any other type of physician and I would probably be crying in a corner. Family practitioners are usually pretty funny or at least try to appear friendly. So that's.... something to comfort the social anxiety.

A strange thought occurred, however, when I was talking at length about a program with one resident. I think he was flirting with me. Which would be inappropriate so he probably wasn't... but what if he was? I mean--I'm also terrible at telling if a person is attracted to me and everyone was earnestly trying to be friendly. My face always hurt from awkward smiling once I returned to my hotel room. But seriously... what if he was? Could I use that? Could I take advantage of that to get into a residency program?

Sick, right?


This is probably something most guys don't have to think about.

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