Aug 27, 2014

A comment from an article from "The Herd Mentality of the Anti-Vaxxer Movement"

Pediatrician: Will you be vaccinating your children?
Parent: No.
Pediatrician: Please leave my office.

He then goes on to explain himself -
I often wonder why a parent who believes vaccines are harmful would want to bring their children to a medical doctor at all. After all, for immunizations to be as malign as their detractors claim, my colleagues and I would have to be staggeringly incompetent, negligent or malicious to keep administering them.

If vaccines caused the harms Jenny McCarthy and her ilk claim they do, then my persistence in giving them must say something horrifying about me. Why would you then want to bring your children to me when you're worried about their illnesses? As a parent myself, I wouldn't trust my children's care to someone I secretly thought was a fool or a monster.

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