Oct 22, 2011

Overdramatic Politics

So no surprise, the Federal government wants to cut $60 billion from Graduate Medical Education. That's pretty upsetting. The only important things in life are education and health--trying to impede health education is against the only principle I have. I took advantage of a link to send generic e-mails to my congressional and senate representatives by making the e-mail a little less generic:
As a medical student from Wilmette, Illinois, currently attending Chicago Medical School, I write to urge you to protect Medicare funding for graduate medical education (GME) and indirect medical education (IME). While I recognize the importance of budget cuts, I am truly shocked that my government would actually try to make it even harder for medical students who only want to help people. Good health is happiness; threatening future healthcare providers seems like a good way to make the future a sad and virulent place. Right now I am attending school in the tenth congressional district of Illinois. I've lived in the tenth district my entire life. I've grown up here. I was diagnosed with diabetes here. I am now proud to go to medical school here. But did you know that there are only two primary care physicians accepting new patients in this district? This district is huge. It touches Wisconsin and descends all the way into the hinterlands of Chicago. Two. Two physicians. This will be an epidemic. This is an epidemic. I don't want to see the people I've grown up with and love fall prey to easily preventable diseases because they literally could not get a part of the best health care in the world.

Physicians take an oath to do no harm. Do politicians?

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