Sep 13, 2011

Is Nothing Sacred Anymore?

It finally happened. I dreamed about the things I spent all week learning. Most surprising, it wasn't material that would easily translate into a traditional dream--like dissecting a human body or telling a patient they have inoperable cancer. Even moving through the trans-Golgi network would seem somewhat plausible. No. This dream was about biochemistry.

A small group of stock medical students and I completed biochemistry pathway challenges:

"We need to find the glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase!"
"I don't think it exists."
"It should exist; we're hypoglycemic."
"I told you it doesn't exist!"
"Don't give me that crap Jenkins!"

And then most bizarre, at the end, Jay Leno or David Letterman would summarize the pathway for me.

I think I screamed out fructose in my sleep. I hate fructose. Has medical school devolved into a never ending nightmare?

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