Jul 9, 2014

"Unique Opportunity" for the PCP (i.e., psychotherapy)

"Primary care practitioners have a unique opportunity to address the emotional needs of their patients, but regardless of their importance, these needs must be handled in a time-effective manner. The psychosocial aspect of patients' problems must be effectively addressed within the regular 10 or 15-minute medical visit. The therapeutic goal is to help patients reorganize some small aspect of their self-concept or behavior in a more comfortable, productive, or, at minimum, less destructive manner. The healing grows out of the established practitioner-patient relationship."

Stuart MR, Lieberman JA III. The Fifteen Minute Hour: Therapeutic Talk in Primary Care. United Kingdom, Oxon: Radcliffe Publishing Ltd.; 2008.

Very interesting thought. And I suppose, a good goal for someone like me who--if I ever become comfortable enough with it--would spend much more than 10 - 15 minutes on therapy with a patient.

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