Jan 24, 2012

Bllllech! (enGROSSed* by Dermatology)

Traditionally, Chicago Medical School tries to practice systems-based teaching. It's redundant, but after you learn what the heart looks like (physically), what it does (physiologically), and what hormones can do to it (chemically), you (hopefully) now a lot about the heart simply by going to class and being semi-attentive.

Systems-Based teaching has fallen apart after our first two exams: Pharmacology is covering autonomic nervous system; Microbiology is introducing itself; and finally, Pathology is teaching us about skin.

Now I could go on another rant about Dermatology. I think it's worthless. I've seen a dermatologist once, and it was interesting but also pretty useless. I also feel like most of the serious derm conditions (i.e., skin cancer...) are mostly white people problems. I know I should care, but it's just that unless it's a condition I have or a condition that one of my friends or relatives has, I don't care nearly as much as a "doctor" probably should (I don't know why I threw quotes around the word doctor. Suspicious...)

So my feeling towards Dermatology are pretty negative (also, somehow, racist). People keep telling me that sometimes dermatology is really important and not superficial. And while I respect this point, it doesn't seem like enough for me.

This has recently changed. I was told that 1) Dermatology has the most medical conditions/illnesses of any specialty and 2) Dermatology offers insight into internal medicine illnesses.

skin disorders can be manifestations of systemic disease.

*Title is totally derived from the great Alice Lee, a fellow compatriot of CMS

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