Mar 7, 2013

Full Circle

I still suck at board review tuesdays, but I seem to have developed a pattern of writing in every eight days, so expect me to write about something, I suppose, next Friday.

Although the real reason I haven't had anything to write about concerning boards is because I haven't studied. At all. For over a week. For over eight days.

I'm freaking out, but instead of doing something about it (namely, study) I seem incapable of doing anything productive.

I mean I'm studying for school, but school grades don't matter. Hah!

Eventually I'll probably get out of this slump. I can't imagine cramming for the boards. That sounds like a hell no one deserves, no matter how undisciplined, dumb, currently care free, or beautiful* that person may be.

Speaking of actual school, I'm excited for class tomorrow because our hit-or-miss pathology class will be hopefully educating the idiots in my class about what diabetes is. And honestly, I could learn some more about type 2 diabetes too. I'm sick of how much stuff we know about diabetes that isn't mine. I've been skimming tomorrow morning's notes for fun.... Wrong word... curiosity. Looks like a genetic component for type 1 diabetes has been proven in white people. Which is great for me, a curious, half-white person of child-bearing age who really wants to know if my genes are defective or if I'm just unlucky. I want, nay, need to get sequenced. Besides the diabetes I am literally perfect**.

Fortunately there is at least one amazing thing about the lecture notes for tomorrow:

Borg Picard in a diabetes lecture?! 

DAMN! I'm watching television (I was not kidding, I am a failure) and I just heard Lucy Liu say the word "neutrophil." Apparently she's an ex-doctor on the television show Elementary. I approve. And I am feeling pretty lucky. Maybe I will study tomorrow.

*I needed a pick-me-up.

**I still needed a pick-me-up.

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