Oct 29, 2012

vaccinations! get some


We're learning about vaccines in microbiology. It really weirds me out that we have a chickenpox (varicella) vaccine now, because I didn't get one when I was a kid (it was created in 1995, by which time I had already had it). Also amusing: chickenpox affected over four million kids a year? That's crazy. 


  1. I don't remember you ever having chicken pox. I had something chicken pox like around christmas one year so I couldn't go to the Nutcracker with Grandma. But I still don't think I had chicken pox since my symptoms weren't normal, I think.

  2. What do you mean by "normal" symptoms? And I had chicken pox around christmas too. Did we get it at the same time? I remember getting more presents than you and erisa to compensate for my illness, though.


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