Aug 13, 2012

I probably shouldn't be telling you this...

but whatever. Today was the first day of school for M2's and I found myself mysteriously absent from class lists and thus unable to get course material. Did I fail anything last year?

Yes. I failed a lot.

I failed biochemistry, first off. That wasn't surprising, considering I needed a 97% on my last exam to pass the course (I got an 87% because I missed 2 questions!) I past biochemistry during the remediation exam held a week after school ended.

I then proceeded to fail neuroscience. I was burned out--which sucks to say, because I was only 22. Anything that can make a 22 year old student burn out must be in alignment with the devil. I wasn't terribly worried about failing neuroscience. It was a hard class. I don't think anyone would say it was "easy." I also took the time to go to a national conference for the American Medical Women's Association and Spring Party Weekend at my alma mater during the 6 weeks of neuroscience. Both of these activities were good learning experiences for me... but they were terrible experiences for learning anything about medical neuroscience. So I failed the course with a 68% average. Soooooooooo close.

But then I failed the remediation exam and had to take a full time summer course to redeem myself. It cost $2,000. It ruined my summer. I had no time to write anything. I started breaking out from all the stress. I wanted to cry most days. But I learned a lot of neuroscience I had somehow been too out of it to understand during spring quarter (did you know that damage to the lateral corticospinal tract (LCST) anywhere along its pathway will present in a positive Babinski sign? I do! Now!)

I imagined my very last summer ever would be amazing and fun and great, but instead found myself locked in my apartment just as I had been during the school year. It sucked. But then I passed the remediation course! With a B! I wonder if that will help raise my abysmal GPA (which is currently at 2.144).

Regardless, a few e-mails sorted the entire mess out, and now I'm enrolled in M2 courses which means I get to look forward to Path, Pharm, and Microbio with all my peers. Passing feels great! Also terrifying. I know that M1 grades don't really mean anything, but I don't want to burden myself with the level of unnecessary stress that accompanies failing courses ever again. So I am wishing myself the best of luck.

Also, the blog is back. I neglected it because I needed to pass everything. But now that I have, I will try to write as often and as well as I can.

But no promises.

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