Apr 26, 2012

Creepiest Powerpoint

I now present to you the creepiest powerpoint slide I have seen all year. There's been gorier! clinical correlation in anatomy? yea, I've seen someone without a nose! There's been grosser! dermatology seems like a fluffy speciality.... but oozing pustules? sign me down! But this, seemingly unimposing slide, wins the prize for the most terrifying yet!

There is something about the simple black, white, and red lines that really calls your attention to the abject horror of having to look at a dissected skull and a set of subtly disfigured quadruplets with various intensities of "disarming stare." I was pre-reading this last night, too late at night, and I had to stop. Sorry cranial nerves... my sanity is worth more than a perfect understanding of trochlear nerve palsy (though it does cause trouble walking down stairs and a head tilt towards the side of the lesion). FTW!

Seriously though, eyes are creepy as f*%#. Number one reason I would never go into ophthalmology: eyes are terrifying.

Although to be fair, there have been other, equally disturbing slides. yesterday we had one about leprosy. Monty Python jokes aside, I wasn't quite sure what I was looking at... the leprosy afflicted individual... appeared to have his hands in gloves... but they weren't quite gloves because they seemed to have the texture of skin. Oh? What's that? Leprosy causes auto-amputation? THOSE ARE HIS HANDS?! He just lost all his fingers?! HORROR UPON HORROR.

Oh medicine! You are terrifying!

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