We have to prepare slides for histology. I think it's a fairly decent review tool. Although it is one that takes a really long time, and when you also have to study for other things, it can be quite detrimental to one's sanity.
But sometimes it's just detrimental to your sanity because it is.
I was looking for stacked red blood cells in a methylene blue kidney when I suddenly felt like I was snorkeling in the ocean and forty-times too close to something poisonous underwater...
like this...
a poisonous, blue ringed octopus
I could not breathe for a few seconds, looking at the picture of the blue ringed octopus even now makes me feel incredibly uncomfortable, so I tried to think about what else methylene blue stained kidney could look like... With all those little plasma cells... with their interesting staining patterns....
They kind of looked like eyes.
That was not much better.